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Inspirational Musings to Support A Wealthy Life by Your Design.

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ReFraming Discipline for a Game-Changing Future

January 27, 2024/

As an astrologer familiar with the astronomical meaning that we have “officially” entered into this new year, and as a positive neuroplasticity teacher familiar too with the power of noticing the ebbs and flows of our thinking, I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to regularly check-in with yourself after you have set goals for the year January 1.

unwrap Wonder: 25 Christmas Musings to Illuminate Your Holiday Spirit

December 23, 2023/

Season’s Greetings, And by “seasons”, I mean here at my home, we are in for the count (literally) watching our go-to lineup of holiday movies that give us that seasonal feeling of Christmas. In this month’s musings, which I’m now calling midlife monthly musings as yours truly is 🙃 , I’m here to serve you with 25 ways to support demystifying Christmas and, most importantly, to serve you with more wonder and magic in life.

Recipe: How to Really Enjoy Family Gatherings This Holiday

November 11, 2023/

When my husband graciously asked my parents to marry me, my mom let him in on how difficult I can be. I get what she meant, but I perhaps would have chosen a different word: optimistic, energetic, ambitious, a lover of life… My parents and I have had our moment-to-moment ups and downs, and perhaps in the past, it didn’t feel as short as a moment. But no surprise for many of us, parenting courses, communicating, and learning to relate weren’t really a thing when I was growing up. As a busy working parent now and as a human with…

the Unofficial End of This Summer

September 7, 2023/

Bonjour (I’m admittedly still holding on to my Paris high big 'sigh') and happy September to you. Sending you gratitude for allowing me to drop in and serve you with this month’s musings. As a working mom trying to suck the marrow out of the last bites of summer, time is indeed precious.