
You are not meant to just get through your day-to-day.
Are you the modern woman with multiple roles balancing all the things? Biologically your body may be blocking you from real wealth.
Say yessss to this powerful mindfulness approach and transform your relationship with abundance and life.

You are not meant to just get through your days.
Are you the modern woman with multiple roles balancing all the things? Biologically your body may be blocking you from real wealth.

Wealth Is A Feeling of Abundance



I would love to be lees anxious and FEEL rich with peace and awe.


I would love some direction, reassurance, and FEEL RICH with purpose and meaning.


I would like to FEEL seen and understood, and FEEL RICH with security, closeness and fun in my relationships.

Greetings, I'm Tanya.

Greetings, I'm Tanya.

Here to support working moms juggling many roles, discover more ease and flow and activate real wealth without going into flight, fight, freeze, or faint.   

I’m a Nurse Anesthetist, Neuroplasticity Teacher, Breathwork Facilitator, Astrologer & Author.

I’m a busy working mom too, part “woo” and part science. I’ve been told I’m the practical woo-woo.

All of what I do comes together to support and emerge as my potential, my specific purpose, and a rich life with meaning and significance. You have a specific purpose too and you are here to evolve and grow through it.

But often your mind will block you from it.

There’s an art in (re)imagining a life you authentically love and a science to (re)patterning your nervous system that is hardwired to block you from the wealthy life you are seeking.

But that life is seeking you too.

My Holistic Approach

A consilience of the disciplines of science and ancient wisdom to transform your life at every layer (yessss every layer).

CALM starts from within the deepest and oldest part of your body. Literally. The most potent modality that is able to influence our nervous system to feel safe and empowered to enjoy a rich life in our body is breathwork. 

Get ready to experience profound cues of security and a journey to transformative calm that comes from within.

CLARITY starts with making sense of elements of your personality (inner and outer) and how it affects your experiences, the world around you, and your relationships. Learn how you are meant to light up the world, interior and exterior. 

Journey into Astrology and find the transformative clarity for the security in life that you are seeking.

CONNECTION starts with a loving and open awareness to all the different aspects and layers of what makes you, you. My coaching is a stewarding to your connection within, outside, and with what exists in between.

Experience this Coaching journey and feel the transformative collective connection.

Activate transformative awareness like you have never even imagined through:

A new relationship to your thinking (neuroplasticity).

A reflection and direction through Astrology (personality and relationship awareness).

A basic understanding of energy, physics, attachment science and how you can transform the negativity bias of the mind (quantum physics and embodied brain).

A realignment with your body through your breath to release, reconnect and reset for your redesign (breathwork and somatic experiencing).

Threading Keywords

A compilation of keywords to support your weekly mind training.