
the Coaching Journey

Your Life by Design, Not by Default

Welcome to the Coaching Journey, where I steward women like you to live life by design and not by default (autopilot).

I share this with mindful awareness and kind intention because for over a decade I lived in hustle mode. I was that working mom with a do-have-be mindset: crack of dawn daily work-outs,  40 hours of work sandwiched into 3 shifts at the hospital, uber driver to the kids in the evenings, soccer mom on the weekends, and plug-in Wednesday date nights with my husband to be that woman

All this to share, my life was good but it didn’t feel good. Intuitively and authentically, I knew there was something else. But it’s not about sacrificing or making big shifts, because that too we know has proven not sustainable. 

What I’m proposing is a transformational awareness in noticing what you are noticing.

Noticing what is causing you any stress.

Noticing what is the life you would love.

Noticing what you would love to imagine in your relationships, career, time & money, and your well-being.

Noticing and asking what does a wealthy life designed by me feel like.

Most importantly, noticing when your mind wants to talk and should you out of it.

Life by design, not by your default begins with good questions.

Because when you ask the good questions you will get transformational answers.

You will get a life by your design, not by default.

This coaching journey will guide you to a future vision of your most aligned self and most significantly a life designed by you because you were guided by your own answers.

You can’t call in your Future Self if you don’t have a relationship with her.

the Coaching Journey is a unique co-creation to fit your needs. I integrate breathwork, astrology, and neuroplasticity practices to help you uncover your life patterns, manifest goals for the Future Self you crave, and help you find your inner green zone (that calm and collected space of quantum possibilities, where you can stop reacting to life, and start responding to it from a place of calm).

Are You Ready to Connect With Your Future Self?

My coaching journey is for women like you who want to be, do, have and experience richness in all areas of their life.  Together we’ll deepen your self-care and spiritual practices, integrating mind training and spirituality into your day to day.

As a logical skeptic, you may be cautious amidst the abundance of spiritual tools and coaches (life is indeed abundant), however, you landed here for a reason, and only you know if there is an alignment or not.

Whether you’re a coach, wellness practitioner, busy mom, career woman, or all of the above, I am here to help you with my multi-hyphenated knowledge from my certifications and integrated lived experiences. 

You will discover how scientific findings support the use of spiritual tools enabling you to truly find richness in all areas of your life.

Curious Want to Start Slow

You can begin your transformative experience with the 40 Days of Awareness course. Through breathwork, astrology, and interpersonal neurobiology, you’ll gain a profound awareness of yourself, others, and the intersection of your inner and outer worlds. Together, we will create a responsive green zone, where you can overcome challenges and make lasting shifts. It’s time to step out of stress and overwhelm, settling into a space where you can truly thrive.

Client Testimonials

Every Coaching Journey is Unique

Let’s connect and together we will find a coaching journey that will help you live your life by your design.